Thursday, January 10, 2008

Better dot those T's

This rather disproportionately amuses me - as I was deleting ER from the DVR after watching it, I caught part of KNTV News reporting on apparently another collision with the Bay Bridge by a boat. I swear I heard the anchor say that the Coast Guard was determined to make a better response after being so criticized for their response in November, and that's why they were making sure to "dot their T's". It's always important to cross your i's and dot your t's!

On a much less amusing note, apparently figure skater Christopher Bowman has died. He was only 40 years old, found dead in his motel room, suspected of a possible drug overdose. Bowman was a bit before my time, but one of the prime competitors for a while of my favorite skater, Kurt Browning. Kurt was quoted as saying that Chris Bowman was the skater he was most scared of coming up in the ranks, because he had such a huge talent, and that if he had gotten his act together, he would have easily beaten Kurt. What I've always heard is that Bowman was a huge talent but hugely troubled. It's just so sad that he doesn't seem to have been able to overcome his demons. May he rest in peace.

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