Friday, February 1, 2008

Lost season premiere

One could ask why I'm posting three separate posts on the same day within like an hour of each other. Some perverse desire to keep thoughts separate, I guess.

Watched the Lost season 4 premiere yesterday. I won't spoil anything but I have to say, I've watched Lost faithfully for the previous three seasons. I enjoy the show. But I've never been absolutely absorbed in it, which is probably why I have never gotten frustrated like other people have that they don't answer questions more promptly or more thoroughly. I just find it entertaining.

But last night? I was on edge the entire time, dying to know the answers to all these questions. And then I was really frustrated to realize that of course they're not going to answer everything right away, and I have to keep watching and waiting to find out what's going on. I don't think the show has ever been so compelling and interesting for me. I can't wait to see the rest of the season, and boy do I hope the writer's strike ends in time for them to produce the rest of the episodes for the season - I think they only have eight right now. The good thing is, it feels like they know the answers and they intend to tell us, it will just take time for the mystery to be developed and revealed. They dropped enough hints and gave us enough information that I feel like there's a whole puzzle that's already fully created, and we're just getting pieces dropped in one by one, so the picture will be gradually revealed...

On a random note, we never watch the one hour specials that are supposed to be clip shows combined with revelations b/c we tend to find them so much recap and not so much new insight. Not interesting enough. But what in the world was up with those pop-ups in the rebroadcast of last season's finale? We ended up stopping after like 5 minutes because 1) I remembered pretty well what happened last season and 2) the pop-ups were distracting and weird. Sometimes interesting but mostly seeming to recap what we were watching right in front of us.

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